Here's just one more variation on how to get a CSV into a table format.  It could have been done before but my google-fu couldn't find it anywhere.

First to get some sample data using the /*csv*/ hint in sqldev.

Then the results of putting it back to a table. The inline plsql is just to convert the text into a CLOB.

Now the details.

The csv parsing is completely borrowed(stolen) from another Chris where he create a csv parser in plsql here.

The changes I made which is probably obvious to use a plsql object and table of said object to put into a form that can be use in sql.

I'm sure there's optimizations that could be added in here since I almost never use plsql object. But here's the code that renders the above results.

drop function parse_csv;
drop type t_csv_col;
drop type t_csv_table;

col1 varchar2(4000),
col2 varchar2(4000),
col3 varchar2(4000),
col4 varchar2(4000),
col5 varchar2(4000),
col6 varchar2(4000),
col7 varchar2(4000),
col8 varchar2(4000),
col9 varchar2(4000),
col10 varchar2(4000)

show errors

CREATE or replace TYPE t_csv_COL IS TABLE OF t_csv_table

show errors

create or replace function parse_csv(
p_clob clob,
p_delim varchar2 default ',',
p_optionally_enclosed varchar2 default '"' )
return t_csv_COL

CARRIAGE_RETURN constant char(1) := chr(13);
LINE_FEED constant char(1) := chr(10);
l_char char(1);
l_lookahead char(1);
l_pos number := 0;
l_token varchar2(32767) := null;
l_token_complete boolean := false;
l_line_complete boolean := false;
l_new_token boolean := true;
l_enclosed boolean := false;
l_lineno number := 1;
l_columnno number := 1;

-- additions from Kris
l_ret t_csv_COL;
l_ret_row t_csv_table;
l_ret_index number;
-- initialize things
l_ret := t_csv_COL();
l_ret_row := t_csv_table(null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null);
-- increment position index
l_pos := l_pos + 1;

-- get next character from clob
l_char := dbms_lob.substr( p_clob, 1, l_pos);

-- exit when no more characters to process
exit when l_char is null or l_pos > dbms_lob.getLength( p_clob );

-- if first character of new token is optionally enclosed character
-- note that and skip it and get next character
if l_new_token and l_char = p_optionally_enclosed then
l_enclosed := true;
l_pos := l_pos + 1;
l_char := dbms_lob.substr( p_clob, 1, l_pos);
end if;
l_new_token := false;

-- get look ahead character
l_lookahead := dbms_lob.substr( p_clob, 1, l_pos+1 );

-- inspect character (and lookahead) to determine what to do
if l_char = p_optionally_enclosed and l_enclosed then

if l_lookahead = p_optionally_enclosed then
l_pos := l_pos + 1;
l_token := l_token || l_lookahead;
elsif l_lookahead = p_delim then
l_pos := l_pos + 1;
l_token_complete := true;
l_enclosed := false;
end if;

elsif l_char in ( CARRIAGE_RETURN, LINE_FEED ) and NOT l_enclosed then
l_token_complete := true;
l_line_complete := true;

if l_lookahead in ( CARRIAGE_RETURN, LINE_FEED ) then
l_pos := l_pos + 1;
end if;

elsif l_char = p_delim and not l_enclosed then
l_token_complete := true;

elsif l_pos = dbms_lob.getLength( p_clob ) then
l_token := l_token || l_char;
l_token_complete := true;
l_line_complete := true;

l_token := l_token || l_char;
end if;

-- process a new token
if l_token_complete then
-- dbms_output.put_line( 'R' || l_lineno || 'C' || l_columnno || ': ' || nvl(l_token,'**null**') );
-- assign the column value
case l_columnno
when 1 then l_ret_row.col1 := l_token;
when 2 then l_ret_row.col2 := l_token;
when 3 then l_ret_row.col3 := l_token;
when 4 then l_ret_row.col4 := l_token;
when 5 then l_ret_row.col5 := l_token;
when 6 then l_ret_row.col6 := l_token;
when 7 then l_ret_row.col7 := l_token;
when 8 then l_ret_row.col8 := l_token;
when 9 then l_ret_row.col9 := l_token;
when 10 then l_ret_row.col10 := l_token;
else dbms_output.put_line('Only supports up to 10:'||l_columnno);
end case;

l_columnno := l_columnno + 1;
l_token := null;
l_enclosed := false;
l_new_token := true;
l_token_complete := false;
end if;

-- process end-of-line here
if l_line_complete then
l_ret(l_lineno):= l_ret_row;
l_lineno := l_lineno + 1;
l_columnno := 1;
l_line_complete := false;
l_ret_row := t_csv_table(null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null);

end if;
end loop;
return l_ret;
end parse_csv;
show errors