Adding Custom Snippets:
raptor -Draptor.user.snippets=/home/klrice/snippets.xml
or edit the raptor.conf file and add
AddVMOption -Draptor.user.snippets=/home/klrice/snippets.xml
The snippets file should look like this:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<group category="Kris' custom snippets" language="PLSQL">
<snippet name="Select EMP" description="Too lazy to type it out">
<code><![CDATA[select * from scott.emp]]>
<snippet name="Select EMP Local" description="Too lazy to type it out">
<code><![CDATA[select * from emp]]>
<group category="Kris' other snippets" language="PLSQL">
<snippet name="Select DEPT" description="Too lazy to type it out">
<code><![CDATA[select * from scott.dept]]>
Furthurmore the snippets window will reload eveytime it's opened if the file changes.
The Results