SSL Support
Taking advice from Adrian, I setup cloudflare in about 30 seconds. Then just waited for the DNS nameserver change to take place and https just works. I did choose to pay the uplift to get a dedicated SSL Certificate it just seemed odd having a multidomain certificate with random other sites.
You might wanna consider using @Cloudflare to deal with the HTTPS issues.
— Adrian Png (@fuzziebrain) October 6, 2017
I’ll preface with there’s probably a better way but here’s what I did.
My blogger site had been up for quite sometime so it shows up in searches sometimes. I didn’t want to blanket forward someone to the home page of the new imporived site. Since Jeykyll translated the blogger posts to ne file names, it’s a very repeatable operation. Here’s some javascript I threw together that grabs the canonical link from the blogger page and converts that to the new link and does a redirect. For the case of not-a-single-post page ( list, categories ), this javascript just does nothing with out the canonical link present except print a console message ( my left over debugging )
window.onload = function () {
var canonical = "";
var el = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i ++) {
if (el[i].getAttribute("rel") === "canonical") {
canonical = el[i].getAttribute("href")
var page = canonical.substring(canonical.lastIndexOf('/')+1)
page = page.substring(0,page.indexOf(".html"))
var dt;
var el = document.getElementsByTagName("abbr");
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i ++) {
if (el[i].getAttribute("itemprop") === "datePublished") {
dt = el[i].getAttribute("title")
var parts = dt.split('-')
var yr = parts[0];
var mon = parts[1];
var d = parts[2].substring(0,parts[2].indexOf('T'));
if ( page ){
var newurl = '' + yr + '-' + mon + '-' + d + '-' +page + '/'
} else {
console.log('no page found')
Add Javascript to Blogger
Last thing now is just add this javascript to blogger. I just added a “HTML/JavaScript Gadget” and put it in there and now everything redirects to the new site. Now my old blog is my new blog’s biggest reffer in google analytics.