I just updated the files out on esdev.sf.net.
Here's the changes in the export to Excel:
- Print column names into a frozen row
- Now it can be canceled
- Remembers last file
- Number are truely number in the cells
There's also some new stuff around snippets.
I've added the ability to hightligh some text in the worksheet and save it as a snippet so it can be easily referenced later. It's pretty simple take as you will see
First select the text to be saved in the worksheet.

Now give it a name , category and description.

Now use it.

This will save the file into ~/.snippets.xml
This file is added different than my previous blog on snippets. It uses
This call could be used by other extensions to add custom snippets more easily.
There's a similar call to add reports by bunlding an xml compliant file to your jar file